If your Right to Rule rating is too low and you try to start your own faction you can expect serious opposition from all factions because they’ll regard you as a rebel bandit. To be taken seriously you have to have a good rating in terms of renown, honor and Right to Rule (just over 50 worked for me).

Making Peace

You can’t afford to be at war with everyone so you’ll want to make peace with some factions. If you are on friendly terms and you have a good standing in Calradia then you should be able to get peace. You can also use your companions as diplomats for your cause and send them to visit factions in an attempt to get treaties. You can do this by talking to your minister and asking him to dispatch an emissary. You want to send someone in your party with good persuasion skills to increase your chances of success.

Don’t be Controversial

Mount And Blade Cheat Engine

There are various things that will make your standing suffer and so you must avoid them if you want to be taken seriously as a king. If you have a high Controversy rating you run the risk of incurring the wrath of everyone. You can check your Controversy by selecting Notes then Characters.

Mount And Blade Cheats

Build a Solid Foundation

The gold doesn’t always flow very easily and since you’ll be engaged in major warfare when you begin a new faction you’ll want a solid financial base behind you. It is ideal if the first target you take is rich. It is also a good idea to target the weakest faction and scoop up their lands as quickly as possible.

Mount And Blade Cheat Menu

Remember that in order to attack a faction you need to have a negative relationship with them.

If you plan well you should be ruling an empire in no time. If you have any suggestions for good tactics to use then please post a comment.

This post is part of the series: Mount & Blade: Warband Guide

A five part guide to the new Mount & Blade: Warband.
To use Mount and Blade Warband cheats, you must enable them first. To do that, go to Configuration (on launcher) and check the “Enable Cheats” box.
Please keep in mind that playing with cheats will stop you from receiving Steam Achievements, however, when you disable the cheats you will re-enable the achievements. Another thing to pay attention to is the Screen on which you are pressing the keyboard combination. For example if you press Ctrl+X on the character screen you will receive 1000 experience points. On the other hand, if you press the same Ctrl+X on the inventory screen you will receive 1000 dinars. Thus, we have included a column “screen”, so you can easily find out where to use the cheats codes.
Mount and blade warband relationship cheats
ScreenKeyboard combinationEffect
Character screenCtrl+X1 000 experience points (one time)
Inventory screenCtrl+X1 000 dinars
Party screenCtrl+XGives 100 experience points on the selected soldier (one time)
Character screenCtrl+WIncreases all of your Weapon Proficiency
MapCtrl+TSee everything on the map, except hideouts
Character screenCtrl+LLevel up
MapCtrl+Left clickTeleports your party to where you click
BattleCtrl+HRestores your health
BattleCtrl+Shift+HRestores your horse's health
BattleCtrl+F3Damage your character
BattleCtrl+F4Blunt damage to a random enemy
BattleCtrl+Alt+F4Blunt damage to all enemies' troops
BattleCtrl+Shift+F4All enemies unconscious and zoomed into
BattleCtrl+F5AI takes the control of your character
BattleCtrl+F6Knocks out randomly one of your troops
BattleCtrl+Shift+F6Knocks out all of your troops
BattleCtrl+F9Turn on/off the Slow motion
BattleCtrl+F11Stops the time at battle
MapCtrl + spaceFast forward waiting at map
Ctrl + ~Opens the console*
* The Cheat Menu is a feature that gives you more options to use cheats, like raising your honor and renown, get any item in the game, immediately capture castles and towns, controls the weather and many more.
To activate it, first press Ctrl+~ (tilde, next to the number pad or to the Shift button on Macs) to open the console. Then type in:“cheatmenu”
To deactivate it – reopen the search console and type in: “nocheatmenu”
If you are looking for new games, similar to Mount and Blade to try, you can check out this article.
If you know more Mount and Blade Warband cheats, please feel free to share them in the comments section bellow.